Civic Shout

Trump Must Serve Prison Time For his Crimes

Donald Trump was convicted on 34 felony counts by a jury of his peers. His sentencing is now set for July 11, which will determine whether or not he receives prison time for his crimes.

In the United States, the sanctity of our democracy and the rule of law are sacred. Letting Trump off the hook with a slap on the wrist would send the message to other politicians that it’s okay to commit crimes to deceive voters and influence the results of elections. We can’t allow that to happen.

Sign the petition if you agree Trump must serve time in prison for his crimes.

No one is above the law. If you do wrong and commit crimes, you must be held accountable. Especially if you are running for the highest office in the United States. 

“This isn’t a one-off, ‘Oops, I made a mistake on my business records,’ or even, a one-off scheme,” said Diana Florence, a former prosecutor in the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office. “Given the entirety of the facts and circumstances that came out during the trial, I believe [if convicted], a sentence of incarceration is warranted and justified,” she added.

Donald Trump must not get away without serving time for his crimes. It is important that Americans have faith in our justice system and know that no one is above the law.
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