Civic Shout

Time is Up: Close the Gender Pay Gap

The parent company of Snapchat, Snap, has agreed to pay $15 million to settle a gender discrimination lawsuit. The lawsuit accused Snap of paying women less and offering them fewer promotions when compared to male employees. 

Nearly six decades after the United States banned gender-based pay discrimination, American employers continue to pay women less than men. 

Sign the petition if you agree it’s time to close the gender pay gap once and for all.

“On average, women employed in the United States lose a combined total of more than $1.6 trillion every year due to the wage gap,” according to a report from the National Partnership for Women and Families. “Families, businesses and the economy suffer as a result.”

Even in industries where women dominate the field, they still don’t hold the top jobs or highest salaries. In 2024, working women full-time earn 84 cents for every $1 white men earn. 

Experts believe that to combat wage gap, employers can start by embracing wage transparency and equal opportunity. Women work too hard to be short changed compared to their male colleagues.

Sign the petition today if you agree it’s time to close the gender pay gap. 
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