ERA Coalition

Tell the White House: The Archivist Must Publish the ERA

First introduced in 1923, the Equal Rights Amendment has been passed by the House and Senate and ratified by 38 states. But the Archivist has yet to publish the ERA in the Constitution. Join us in telling the White House to instruct them to publish today!

Amendments to the United States Constitution must be passed by Congress and ratified by three-fourths of the states. The ERA has met those requirements, but an arbitrary 10 year time limit is standing in the way of Constitutional gender equality. 

The White House can direct the Archivist to publish the ERA today. It’s entirely within the Biden administration’s power to push gender equality and add the United States to the list of nations with gender equality in their Constitution. 

It’s time for guaranteed gender equality in the United States, which would open the door to equal opportunity and close the door on gender discrimination. 

Sign your name today, urging President Biden to fight for gender equality now! 
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