Civic Shout

Tell the USDA: Crack Down on Food Safety Violations

Recent reports have revealed horrifying conditions at the Boar’s Head deli meat plant in Virginia, leading to a deadly listeria outbreak that claimed nine lives and hospitalized nearly 60 people across 18 states. 

USDA inspectors found a shocking list of violations: rotting meat, black mold on ceilings, flies in vats, and meat residue on equipment and surfaces. These weren’t isolated incidents but part of a pattern of neglect that persisted for over a year.

Food safety attorney Bill Marler called the plant a “listeria factory,” highlighting the severe failures in oversight. Despite 69 documented violations, the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) failed to take decisive action until it was too late.  This negligence isn’t just unacceptable—it’s dangerous.

Tell the USDA: Crack down on food safety violations.

The USDA’s primary job is to ensure our food is safe, but this case shows they’re falling short. We need tougher enforcement, harsher penalties for repeat offenders, and a commitment to preventing this kind of negligence from happening again. 

The fact that these issues were allowed to persist for so long raises serious concerns about the USDA’s effectiveness.

We can’t allow profit-driven negligence to put public health at risk. It’s time for the USDA to step up and ensure our food supply is truly safe.

Sign our petition demanding that the USDA crack down on corporations cutting corners on food safety. 
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