Civic Shout

Tell the RNC: Stop Sharing Deceptive Anti-Biden Videos

In an unsettling development, The Hill is reporting that manipulated videos targeting President Joe Biden are spreading like wildfire, distorting reality and misleading the public. These "cheap fakes" are a direct threat to the integrity of our democratic processes and the principle of an informed electorate.

Designed to mislead and misinform the public,  This surge in deceptive videos threatens the very core of our democracy. Misleading content doesn't just misinform; The rapid dissemination of these videos highlights the urgent need for action to safeguard informed democratic participation.

Sadly, some of these misleading videos are being distributed by the Republican National Committee. It’s time to fight back and demand that the RNC stops trying to trick voters with deceptively edited videos.

Tell the RNC: Stop Sharing Deceptive Anti-Biden Videos.
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