Civic Shout

Tell the Media: Expose J.D. Vance’s Anti-Abortion Extremism

Donald Trump recently selected J.D. Vance to be the Republican nominee for vice president.

The pick was no surprise: Vance is a far-right, anti-abortion extremist, with a long track record of advocating for a national abortion ban.

Disturbingly, according to The Lever, just last year Vance "pressured regulators to let police access the records of people who cross state lines for abortions."

Until recently, Vance’s website had a section called "End Abortion." It argued that "eliminating abortion… is about making our society more pro-child and pro-family."

But now, after the Biden campaign shared a screenshot of that section of the website to help voters understand where Vance stands, that part of the website has been deleted, making it clear that Vance is trying to hide his anti-abortion views from the public.

Sadly, there are some early indications that corporate media outlets may be willing to help with that effort. As Jessica Valenti pointed out, the New York Times "deceptively edited a JD Vance quote to make it appear that he opposes a national ban."

The American people deserve to know the truth about Vance’s backwards views on abortion and other issues. But that won’t be possible if media outlets fail to expose them.

Sign our petition urging media outlets to expose J.D. Vance’s anti-abortion extremism, and to reject efforts by the Trump-Vance campaign to mislead voters.
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