Free Press Action

Tell the FCC: Restore Net Neutrality and Title II!

High-speed internet is an essential utility, yet the FCC lacks the authority it needs to safeguard internet users and ensure that everyone can access it — no matter their ZIP code or demographics. 

Add your name to our petition supporting the FCC’s efforts to restore Net Neutrality through its Title II authority.

Companies like Comcast and their zillions of lobbyists are going to do everything they can to stop the agency from taking action. Here’s the thing: ISPs don’t get to speak for us. Here's our message to the members of the Federal Communications Commission:

"High-speed internet enables us all to access education, employment, health care, essential news and information, and much more. I support the FCC’s efforts to reinstate Net Neutrality — and restore its authority to regulate broadband and ensure our nation’s communications networks are open and affordable."
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