Civic Shout

Tell Social Media Companies: Crack Down on Cheapfake Videos

Over the past few days, viral videos appearing to show President Biden wandering off or acting confused have been running riot on social media — except, of course, they’ve been deceptively edited by right-wing propagandists to smear the President.

One video from a recent G7 summit shows Biden staring off into space, but in reality he’s looking at several parachutists who had been cropped out of the video. Another claims Biden tried to sit in an “invisible chair” at a D-Day ceremony when just a few more seconds of video shows that was anything but the case.

Tell social media to crack down on these “cheapfakes” videos!

With Donald Trump clearly becoming more and more unhinged by the day — one only needs to watch his now infamous “shark battery” rant — the right-wing is pulling out all the stops to damage Biden and make him appear mentally unfit for office when that couldn’t be further from the truth. 

Social media CEOs need to crack down on these videos and stop their proliferation ASAP. The stakes in this election are far too high to have these kinds of dangerous fake narratives circulating so widely.

Demand social media crack down on the GOP’s deceptively edited Biden smear videos!
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