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Tell Manchin: Keep your dirty hands off Biden's LNG Pause

Now that President Biden has paused new LNG export permits, you knew it was only a matter of time before the fossil fuel industry and their backers in Congress struck back. That time is now.

Fossil fuel extremists in the House already held a hearing to attack Biden’s LNG decision. Senator Manchin, who owns a fossil fuel company himself, is also turning the Senate Energy Committee into a polluter-booster rally. And next week, fossil fueled fascists in the House plan to host a "Dirty Energy Week" to attack Biden's LNG pause, deny climate reality, and promote legislation to compel the US government to export more fossil fuels — including H.R. 1130, which would repeal Biden's pause on new LNG facilities. 

These investigations and legislation are unnecessary and ill-informed. But that doesn't make them harmless.

We need to push back, hard, against Manchin's mis-information and lies. Sign now to tell the US Congress, and Manchin in particular, to keep their dirty hands off President Biden's LNG pause.
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