The Department of Defense (DoD) is the world's largest institutional consumer of oil and a leading contributor to climate change. The Pentagon’s carbon footprint exceeds that of many entire nations, yet instead of addressing this crisis, the DoD is planning to slash $50 billion in funding for programs including efforts to address climate change. This is a reckless move that will make us less secure in the face of worsening global instability driven by climate disasters. Sign the petition to tell Trump’s Secretary of Defense to rescind his dangerous plan to defund climate programs in the military. The military’s own assessments have repeatedly recognized climate change as a “threat multiplier” that exacerbates global conflict, displaces millions, and increases the need for costly military interventions. Extreme weather events, fueled by unchecked emissions, are already straining military readiness, destroying bases, and increasing operational risks. Yet, instead of reducing its impact and investing in resilience, the Pentagon is choosing to abandon critical climate programs under the guise of budget cuts. We cannot allow the Pentagon to ignore its responsibility to fight climate change. Studies show that between 2001 and 2017, the U.S. military emitted 1.2 billion metric tons of CO₂—more than some entire countries. Its fuel use during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan alone led to 400 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions. These numbers make it clear: the Pentagon must not only maintain but expand its climate initiatives to mitigate the damage it causes. Rolling back climate-focused spending at the DoD is not about efficiency—it’s about dismissing science and ignoring the growing threats climate change poses to global security. This is a short-sighted, dangerous decision that prioritizes politics over the well-being of soldiers, civilians, and future generations. The Pentagon must stop fueling the crisis it claims to be preparing for. Please sign the petition to call on the Department of Defense and Congress to immediately halt plans to cut climate-related spending and instead invest in clean energy, emissions reductions, and climate adaptation efforts within the military.