Stop AAPI Hate

Tell Congress to protect us from warrantless surveillance >>

Currently, under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), the federal government has the authority to surveil the email data, phone records, and text messages of any American — without obtaining a warrant. 

This raises serious concerns about government surveillance overreach, which has led to the racial profiling of Asian American and Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim, and South Asian (AMEMSA) communities. 

Despite calls for reform, the Senate is attempting to reauthorize Section 702 beyond its expiration at the end of this year. This would undermine the democratic process, run counter to the will of Congress, and disregard the concerns of Asian and AMEMSA communities who have experienced first-hand the consequences of this widely misused policy. 

That’s why Stop AAPI Hate and allied organizations are urging Congress to pass the Government Surveillance Reform Act of 2023 (GSRA), which will put an end to Section 702 abuses and protect the right to privacy for millions of people. Among many things, it will end the warrantless surveillance of American communications and provide oversight, safeguards, and accountability measures to protect us from racial profiling and discrimination.

Will you sign this petition calling on lawmakers to support the Government Surveillance Reform Act to protect Americans from government surveillance and racial profiling? 

Your backing can make a significant difference in our collective fight for civil rights and racial justice.
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