Civic Shout

Tell Amazon: Release Footage of Trump’s Racist Remarks

Long before he was a twice impeached convicted felon, Donald Trump was the host of the reality show The Apprentice. 

Now, Bill Pruitt, an ex-producer of The Apprentice, has alleged that Trump used the n-word on tape during the show's production.

According to a May 31 piece published in Slate, if the tapes still exist, they're now owned by a production company owned by Amazon.

We believe the American people deserve to see this footage for ourselves. Sign the petition urging Amazon to release footage of Trump’s racist remarks. 

Pruitt said Trump's remarks were captured on video because producers wanted to document the decision-making behind the show to counter potential claims that the contest was rigged. 

“Donald Trump is selling his own version of the world, and people are buying it,” Pruitt said. “Knowing all they know, how could these people still think he’s capable of being the president of the United States? Perhaps they watched our show and were conned.”

Since these remarks were never aired, the American people have not seen Trump for who he really is. By releasing these tapes, we would all be able to see it and hear it for ourselves. 

Sign the petition today to tell Amazon to release footage of Trump’s racist remarks. 
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