Since 2019 in the United States, billionaire wealth has increased by $1.3 billion per day. There was a new billionaire every 1 ½ weeks. If any of the richest 10 billionaire men lost 99% of their wealth, they’d still be a billionaire. At the same time, working people everywhere—who are responsible for driving the real economy—lack savings, health insurance, paid leave, and adequate wages, and are struggling to make ends meet. As Trump begins his presidency, he’s expected to double down on the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA)—a policy that amounted to a massive $1 trillion giveaway to corporations and the ultra-wealthy. With the TCJA set to expire in 2025, there’s now a push to renew and expand these tax breaks, which would cost over $4 trillion over the next decade. This plan is a shameless transfer of wealth to the top 1% at the expense of working families. If Trump’s tax plans pass, the top 1% would get tax cuts of $36K and the bottom 95% would see their taxes increase. Enough is enough. It’s time for the ultra-rich and corporations to pay their fair share of taxes. Urge Congress to end the Trump tax giveaway to mega-corporations and billionaires—and instead use the expiration of Trump’s tax law as an opportunity to create a tax code that prioritizes working families and invests in our collective future.