Civic Shout

Stop the Violence. Demand Stricter Gun Control Laws Now.

Holiday celebrations around the United States were disrupted recently by gun violence. Multiple shootings took place in Indianapolis, Syracuse, Knoxville, Chicago, New Orleans and countless other American cities and towns.

Our families should be safe – in schools, the mall, and the grocery store. But for too long, Americans have had to contend with continuing issues with gun violence.
Thankfully, more and more Americans are supporting common sense reforms around firearms. A fall 2023 Gallup poll found that the majority of U.S. Adults, 56% percent, support more robust and more comprehensive reforms around guns to keep us all safe.

Tell Congress: Pass stricter gun control laws now.

According to polling from Gallup, the consistent concern around mass shootings, following such tragic incidents in Parkland, FL in 2018, Uvalde, TX in 2022, Lewiston, Maine earlier this year continue to motivate strong support for reforms that would keep dangerous firearms out of the hands of people seeking to do harm in society.

While bipartisan legislation was passed in response to the tragedy in Uvalde, it didn’t go nearly far enough to address the problem. That’s why Americans continue to seek broader reforms that slow down firearms purchases and expand regulation of assault weapons to ensure the safety of our communities, and it’s why we’re demanding that Congress acts once again.

Sign the petition: Demand common sense gun reform to keep Americans safe.
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