Civic Shout

Sign the Petition: Prosecute Big Oil

An increase in climate disasters has caused people to take a closer look at the damages being done. 

Now, a large majority of American voters support lawsuits to hold Big Oil and other fossil fuel companies for creating the climate crisis. 

The case against big oil has been strengthened by improved attribution science, which can show the links between climate change and extreme weather events such as forest fires and hurricanes. 

Sign the petition if you agree that fossil fuel companies should be held accountable.

“Voters strongly want to see companies held accountable for their harmful actions,” Grace Adcox, a climate strategist at Data for Progress said. 

“These national findings show these cases may be able to earn popular support, particularly in blue jurisdictions,” she added. 

Holding big oil accountable will not be easy, but we will not make any progress without trying. Sign the petition today to prosecute big oil. 
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