Civic Shout

Protect Endangered Whales From Deadly Boat Strikes

A two-month-old right whale calf was recently severely wounded after being run over by a boat’s propeller and was thought to be unlikely to recover. 

There is new hope for its future as researchers spotted it earlier this month.

We are hoping and praying for this whale to recover. Each right whale is a crucial part of bringing this species back--fewer than 360 of them are alive. But it never should have been maimed by a boat.

Conservation organizations have been urging the administration to do more for highly-endangered North Atlantic right whales. Vessel strikes such as this, combined with entanglements with fishing gear are nearly-constant threats to the survival of this species.

Scientists estimate that 45 right whales have been killed by vessel strikes in just the last decade. This is an urgent threat to this species' survival.

But the Biden Administration has moved with little to no energy or purpose in response. It recently denied an emergency petition from conservation organizations to set speed limits for vessels 35 feet and longer that could have prevented that calf from being gruesomely maimed. 

The administration said that it is in the process of finalizing a speed limit rule but has offered no date when it should be expected. Time is running out to issue this rule and to save these whales.

Recreational boat owners and sport fishermen have aggressively lobbied the administration to reject these necessary speed limits and the Biden administration has to date done what they asked–delayed any new rules.

The Biden administration needs to do everything it can to protect the world’s most endangered large whale species.

Please add your name to tell President Biden to protect North Atlantic right whales from further injury and death and issue an updated speed rule.
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