Civic Shout

Homophobic Republican Congressman Must Resign


Michigan Republican Congressman Tim Walberg gave a speech recently in Uganda in which he voiced his support for a draconian local law that allows the death penalty for people involved in LGBTQ relationships.

In the speech, Walberg encouraged local politicians to "stand firm" in response to the backlash against the law, and described gay rights advocates as "a force from the bottom of hell."

Sign the petition calling on Walberg to immediately resign from the U.S. Congress.

The Ugandan law, known around the globe as the "kill the gays" law, has been widely denounced.

Pres. Biden, for example, called it a "tragic violation of universal human rights" and implemented travel restrictions to the country.

In his speech in Uganda, Walberg predicted that he would be criticized for his backwards views. “But I’m not gonna give in to them,” he said.

Tell Homophobic Rep. Tim Walberg: Resign in shame.
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