Civic Shout

Don’t Punish Students for Seeking Reproductive Healthcare

As if accessing reproductive healthcare in America wasn’t hard enough, students are now being penalized for missing class due to reproductive health issues. 

Philosophy professor Daniel A. Bonevac and finance professor John Hatfield from University of Texas are suing the Biden administration. They are challenging a provision in the Department of Education's new Title IX rule which requires them to excuse students for out-of-state abortions. 

That’s right: They want to punish students academically for seeking reproductive healthcare. We need to push back hard – now – on this latest attack on reproductive rights.

Sign the petition to make sure students are not punished for seeking reproductive healthcare. 

With Roe v Wade overturned thanks to Trump’s extreme far-right Supreme Court, states have adopted strict abortion banning laws. Texas has one of the strictest in the country. If women are unable to utilize their reproductive rights in their own state, how can we penalize them for taking the proper actions to ensure a safe abortion? 

Professors shouldn’t have a say in whether or not women’s reproductive health appointments count as an excused absence or not. Using this information against a student is a violation of students’ privacy and reproductive rights – and we need to fight back now. 

Sign the petition to make sure students aren’t punished for seeking reproductive healthcare.
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