Civic Shout

Denounce Sen. Graham for Blocking Supreme Court Ethics Act

The United States Supreme Court is embroiled in multiple ethics scandals.

From undisclosed gifts from billionaires to alliances with January 6 insurrectionists, public perception of the court is at an all-time low.

That's why Senate Democrats just moved to establish a binding code of ethics for Supreme Court justices by attempting to pass the Supreme Court Ethics Act. This common-sense legislation would hold Supreme Court Justices to a similar code of ethics to the one followed by all other justices, ad would implement recusal requirements for justices who receive lavish gifts from people or corporations with business before the court.

But instead of allowing an up-or-down vote, Senator Lindsey Graham singlehandedly blocked the bill from moving forward – sending a message to the Supreme Court that their ethical lapses and blatant conflicts of interest can continue unimpeded.

Add your name to our petition denouncing Sen. Lindsey Graham for blocking the Supreme Court Ethics Act.

"The Supreme Court clearly can't and won't police itself," Christina Harvey, executive director of Stand Up America, said in a statement Wednesday. 

"Time and again, the right-wing majority on the court has shown that it is unwilling to abide by basic rules of ethics. Passing the Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency Act was an opportunity to guarantee basic ethics standards and restore some trust in the highest court in our country," she continued.

"The highest court shouldn't have the lowest ethics standards," Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse added. "What's controversial about that?"

Sign the petition denouncing Sen. Lindsey Graham for blocking the Supreme Court Ethics Act.
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