Civic Shout

Demand Moderators Call Out Trump’s Lies During Debates

The debate between President Biden and disgraced felon Donald Trump was an appalling display of journalistic malpractice by the so-called “moderators,” CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash. 

The two anchors simply sat there and allowed Donald Trump to spew a tsunami of the most deranged and outrageous lies that grew even more absurd as it became more and more clear there would be literally zero pushback from the moderators. There might as well have been a voice recorder reading the questions for all the “moderating” those two did. 

Call out Trump’s lies to his face!

Trump’s lies included the horrifying fabrication that doctors abort babies after they’ve been born, that millions of immigrants were drawing Social Security, that he was responsible for a strong economy, blamed Nancy Pelosi for the January 6th attack he inspired, that Biden himself was a criminal…the list goes on and on. 

Our democracy is weakened with every lie that is allowed to go unquestioned — and Trump lied from start to finish, over and over and over again. We MUST have fact-checking at the next debate. Last night’s silence from the moderators is unforgivable. 

Demand moderators call out Trump’s lies during presidential debates!

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