Demand Action: We're Drowning in Waste

On average, every American throws away 4.9 pounds of trash daily, reaching nearly 1,800 pounds of trash per person every year. [1] Far too much of this trash ends up in our natural environment. Trash that isn’t disposed of properly carries toxic chemicals that contaminate waterways, harm wildlife, and put human health at risk. [2] 

Plastics, specifically, should raise extra concern. The world is producing twice as much plastic waste as two decades ago, with only 9% successfully recycled.[3] Every year, an estimated 14 million tons of plastic end up in the world’s oceans.[4]

Waste is not the only threat plastic poses, though. It is harmful in every part of its life cycle. 98% of plastics are produced by coal, oil, or gas — all of which are fossil carbons that heavily contribute to air pollution. Additionally, when plastics reach consumers, human health is put at risk due to toxic chemicals and carcinogens found in plastics.

We are demanding that world leaders take action and commit to an ambitious, legally binding Global Plastics Treaty. Current drafts of this treaty lack specificity and accountability. We are calling for: 

* A 60% of reduction of all fossil fuel-based plastic production by 2040
* Requiring producers and retailers of plastics to be liable for the cost of any environmental or health-related damages
* Public and private sector investments in innovation to replace all fossil fuel-based plastics
* Banning the export of plastic waste
* Ending the incineration of plastic waste
* Supporting innovative solutions and alternatives to plastic in all sectors

It’s time to effectively fight the plastics problem. Sign this petition to demand action from world leaders. 

1. Environmental Protection Agency:

2. Environmental Protection Agency

3. Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development:

4. International Union for Conservation of Nature:
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