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Biden Declare a Climate Emergency

The Summer of 2023 is a preview of climate chaos to come - massive heat waves, intense floods, wildfires so large they blanket entire countries in smoke. 

But instead of directly combatting catastrophe, the U.S. continues to expand production, consumption, export, and use of fossil fuels—the driver of the climate crisis. President Biden broke his promise to end drilling on public lands, let the Line 3 tar sands pipeline be built in Minnesota, approved the Willow Project in Alaska, fast-tracked the Mountain Valley Pipeline, and more.

President Biden is making the climate crisis worse, not better, but it's not too late for him to turn things around.

President Biden can declare a climate emergency under the National Emergencies Act. That would give us the ability to reinstate the crude oil export ban, end new fossil fuel projects and drilling, redirect disaster relief funds toward distributed renewable energy construction in frontline communities, and marshal companies to fast-track renewable transportation and clean power generation. All while creating millions of high-quality union jobs.

Biden also has the power to deny approvals for any new fossil fuel projects, and mandate a phase out of fossil fuel production on federal lands and waters — two actions which scientists have stated are essential to staying under the global warming limit necessary to avoid the very worst of the climate catastrophes.

Climate change is already an emergency – we need an emergency declaration to end the era of fossil fuels.

Petition reads:
President Biden: Declare a climate emergency under the National Emergencies Act and stop the federal approval of all new fossil fuel projects.
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