Despite a track record of corruption and abuse, Pres. Biden is considering meeting with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) at the upcoming G20 summit. The U.S. government should engage in diplomacy, especially with countries we disagree with but a meeting with MbS without condition would be a disaster — and it’s time to push back on this misguided idea before it becomes a reality. In case you forgot: Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) ordered the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi; led a devastating military intervention in Yemen; made billion-dollar deals with Jared Kushner; ruthlessly cracked down on dissent; and most recently oversaw Saudi security forces killing African migrants. Meeting with MbS could simultaneously legitimize the Crown Prince’s leadership, make it easier for hawks and war profiteers to push for more weapons sales, AND delegitimize ongoing efforts to improve human rights in the region. The stakes are too high to stay silent. We can’t let President Biden ignore MbS’ human rights record, and that’s why we need you to speak up for peace and justice today. Add your name now to tell the president to hold Saudi Arabia's MbS accountable at every opportunity, including the G20 summit.